Day by Day: The Rhythm of the Bible in the Book of Common Prayer

SKU: 9781906327118
Day by Day: The Rhythm of the Bible in the Book of Common Prayer

Day by Day: The Rhythm of the Bible in the Book of Common Prayer

SKU: 9781906327118
Author: Benjamin Sargent | Publisher: Latimer Trust
The celebration of the 350th anniversary of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer has helped to stimulate a renewed interest in its teaching and fundamental contribution to Anglican identity. Archbishop Cranmer and others involved in the English Reformation knew well that the content and shape of the services set out in the Prayer Book were vital ways of teaching congregations biblical truth and the principles of the Christian gospel. Thus the aim of this series of booklets which focus on the Formularies of the Church of England and the elements of the different services within the Prayer Book is to highlight what those services teach about the Christian faith and to demonstrate how they are also designed to shape the practice of that faith. As well as providing an account of the origins of the Prayer Book services, these booklets are designed to offer practical guidance on how such services may be used in Christian ministry nowadays. In this study of the daily collects and readings in the Book of Common Prayer, Benjamin Sargent opens up the rationale of the lectionary.
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Day by Day: The Rhythm of the Bible in the Book of Common Prayer is found in these collections: Prayer Book Resources |

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